34 1`a.t.i6, 17118. SEX M ONS t. In that when our Innocence was loft, there may be a renova- tion of the Sinner by Repentance:. to which the plenary pardon of Sin is allured, Idafh ye, make ye clean, put away the evil ofyour do- ings from before mine Eyes : Ceafe to do evil, and learn to do well, jáith the Lord : vnd tho' your Sins be as Scarlet, they ¡ball be white a Snow ; tho' they be red like Crimfon, they hall be white like Wooll. God will not pardon thofe who forgive and flatter themfelves in their Sins ; but thole who con f eJ3andforfake them, ¡hall findmercy. z. Sincerity of Obedience is accepted where Perfetion is wanting. When a Perfon with content of Heart and ferious en- deavours ftrives to obey the Ho- ly Will of God, without the ex- ception ofany known Duty, or the indulgence of any Sin, God will