S ERMO NS the fervile tormenting fear of Death. In profecuting the Point, I, (hall, t. confider the account the Scripture gives of Death's entrance into theWorld. z. Shew what the fear of Death includes, and the Bondage confequent to it. 3 How the Deathof Chrif frees us from the thraldom of that fear. 4. Who are parta- kers of this bleffed Privilege. And then apply ir. I. The Scripture gives an ac- count of Death's entrance into the World, in a three-fold re fpea. 1. As thedefertt ofSin. i. As the Effie& of the divine Decree. 3. As the Sentence of theLaw. 1. As the Defert of Sin. The firf defign of the Creator was his own Glory in conjunaion with the happinefs of Man. He was