SE 1 ONS the wicked Cities, the Memory of which will never be extin- guifh'd ; The Lord laid to Abra-- Gen.lS.2e, ham, 1r3ecauJe the Cry of Sodorn and 2i. Gomorrah is great, and becaufe their Sin tis grievorus, I will go down now, and fie whether they have done ac- cordi ?lg to the Cry of it, that is come up unto ìne : viz. whether they were Co numeroufly and excel- lively wicked : if not, I will know. God is pleated to incarnatehim- Celt in Man's Expreflion, to de- clafe more fenfìbly to us, that he never punifhes ith precipitati- on, but after an equal trial or the Cade. Thus we read of that prophane King of Babylon, D4n.52;. e a,{er, That he wa,s weighed in the Balhmce,and found waiting, be- fore he was fentenc'd to be de- prived of his Kingdom and Life. And the defhrudion of the Anti- chriflian State is attended with Co- lemn