upon Eternal judgment. 5 3 lemn Halelujahs for the righte- Rev. 19. 2,3. oufnefs.of that Judgment. And in the laR Day the Righteoufnef cf God's Proceedings fhall be univerfally manifefl and magni- fied. 'lis therefore called tl Rons.2.5 1 aÿ of the 1Revelation of the ,igh- teous judgment of God. Now in order to this, the Scripture informs 'us, that all the Works. of Men íhall be brought in to, , Judgment, even every jecret thing, Ecc!.12.14, whether good or evil. And the A- poule faith, That we mull all appear 2 eons.Io. before the judgment-Seat of Chrifl, that every one may receive the things done in his Body, according to that he bath done, whether it begood or bad. All Sins, whether fecret or openly vifible, thall be accoun- ted for. Thofe Sins that have been aced in the mou ferret Ike- tirement, fo that no eyeof Man could take cognizance of them D d 3 Nay,