Bates - BT825 B37 1683

54 T0111.2. 6. S E.A/fONS Nay,the Sins of the thoughts and affections, of which Satan could not accufe Men, when the in-. ward Fire of Luff or Malice is not di covered by the leaf fmoke or fparkles, by no exprellions, all thofe fhall be brought to Judgment : god will judg the Se- crets of ,:714en by jeft44 CbrilL The fins of Omiflion of our Duty that are fo numerous, from carelernefs and diverfions, from flothfillnefs and delays, and that now fo little affeaus ; for we are morefenfible of what we do,than of what we have Pot done; the guilt of all thefè [hail then be heavily charged on the Confcience of the Sinner. The neglect fim- proving all the. Means, Advan- tages, and Opportunities of do7 ng or receiving Good, will be a, great part of that judgment: The Lord called his Servants to 9§11001111111mo