Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon ,Lt ernal 7udgnient. 55 an account for the Talent com- mitted to their truli, and required profit in proportion to their num- ber and worth. All fins of Cornmiion in Muth and ige, whether grofs Sen,fua- lity, as La.fch ioufnefs, Luf%s, excefs rrr.4. . of Vine, levelhngs, banquetings, and abominable Idolatries, and all ex- cefs of riot, ,all be accounted for to himwho is ready to judg the quick and the dead : or aas of unrighteoul to others. Ike that cloth wrong, Col.3.25 fhall receive according to the wrong he has done. And fins of a leffer . guilt, for which the moil are not touch'd with grief or fhame, fhall then be produc'd in .Judg- ment. All the fins of our words, fo easily committed, and not fo eafily obferved, Pi-mil thenbe cal- led toa heavy remembrance.The Judg himfelf tells us ; I /ay unto 1nf41.12.36. you,tbat every idle word that Men pall D d 4 fhall