Bates - BT825 B37 1683

5 SEMONS M .1,401,J4,150 h (peak, they ¡hall give account thereof it the Day .o f judgment. And if vain words, the Signs and diate Efers of a vain Mind, [hall fadlÿ encreafe our Ac- counts, how much more all the contentious, fierce and revenge= ful words, the detraóing, falfè, contumelious and injurious words, the impure, filthy, and contagious words, the prophane, blafphemous, and impious words that flow from thè evil Treafure of the Heart ? ®'their dreadful num- ber, and opprei.fng weight 1 And all the Aggravations and Circumftances of Mens Sins, that raffe their Guilt to fuch fearful heights, [hall be enumerated in order to `Judgment. For thus 'twas foretold ; Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thoufandofhis Saints; to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are. itigodbi among. them