Bates - BT825 B37 1683

58 SEZM0NS Rev.2o. I2. ; I law the Dead, f nall and great, hand before God ; and the Books were opened, and the Dead.. were judged out of the things that were written in the Books, according to their Works. i . TheBooks of the Lawand Gofpel Ihall then be open'd in all the Injun6ionsand Prohibitions, and our Lives compar'd with them. Our Saviour told the yam 5.45. Jews, Do not think that I will ac- cute you to my Father, there is one that accufeth you, even Moles, in whom you trufi : not the Perfon, but the Law of Mores. And he de nounced againfc thole that reje t john 12.48. the Golpel ; the Word that I have fpoken, the faine ¡hall judg them in the laß Day. The Law is the ex- a Transcript of God's Sacred Will, thenatural and immutable Rule of Righteoufners ; 'tis pure, forbids all Sin, and enjoyns urìiver-