upon Eternal judgment. 59 univerfal Holinefs ; 'tis Spiritual, requires not only a conformity in Words and Anions, but in- ward fantity in mind andheart : for the Soul is the principal part of Man, entirely open to God's Eye, the Maker and Judgof it. And the mof} enlightned Saints have but an imperfect knowledg of it here. This made Holy David, after his meditation upon its purity and perfeaion, to cry out in an Agony, Who can under- f!and his Errors ! cleanfe thou nie from fecret fins. This when o- pend in its ípiritual and compre- henfive Nature, by a wife and zealous Preacher, darts a Light into the Confcience, and difco- vers many fecret Sins, that like fo many Serpents were dill and quiet in the dark ; but upon the iddain breakin g in of theLight, y upon the Sinner, and tor- ment