Bates - BT825 B37 1683

sEA.MaNs ment him with their mortal Stings. But when the Law-giver himfelf fhall expound the Law in its full extent and perfection; with refpeet to all the Duties it commands, and Sins it forbids, how guilty will Men appear ? how unable to anfwer one Arti- cle of a thoufand charg'd upon them ? 2. The Omnifcience ofGod will give moff convincing Evi- Beb.4. 13. dence ofall our Works. All things are naked and open to his Eyes, with whom we have to do in judgment.. The Pfalmi/1 declares the infinite perfpicacity of his fight : The Pfd 139, Darknefs hides not from thee, but the Night fhines as the Day. As his Light and tranfcendent Briglt- mn.6.16. nefs is invifible to us, fo our thickeft darknefs is vifible tohim, We cannot fee things in the Night,