Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon Eiernal judgment. b Night, becaufe it hinders the re- ception of the Rays, that infi- nuate into the Eye and caufes fight : but the Eyes of our Judg are like a flame of Fire, difpelling Rev.'. 4. all darkneff. From his i hrone in Heaven, his piercing Eye fees through all the concealments of Mens Sins. Thou haft Jet our Ini- pfd. 90.8, quities before thee, and our fecret Sins in the Light of thy Countenance. He difcovered the Sacrilege of 4chan, the Lie of gehazi, the De- ceit of Ananias. Saul's difobedi- ence in fparing the Amalekites de- isam'Y52z voted to deíhruaion, had the co- lourable pretence of Piety, and, as a Sacrifice, was laid on the Al- tar. And David's Murder of 2Sam.I 1.21 Uriah was imputed to the chance of 'War as a fufficient excufe. But. tho' they might have deceived o., thers, they could not deceive .God. He is intimately prefent with.