SL MOMS with the Souls of Men, that are unfearchable to the moth difcern- ing Angels of Light, and knows all their moil fecret Defigns and Defiress The Pharifees inwhom Pride was the firm Property, and Hypocrify a fecond Nature,could not, with all their faintly thews, impofe upon our Saviour : for he Mat.23.14. knfw what was in %lan. He dif cover'd their Alms to be not the Mat.6.2. effet of Charity but Ofrenta- tion, and their fpecious As of Mar. 23.14. Devotion tobe a train to furprife fome rich Prey. And this Divine Knowledg of Men and their Ations is in or- der to Judgment. Thus the ?rovo24.I2. wife King declares, Doti) not he that ponders the Heart confider it and he that keepeth thy Soul, doti; not he know it ? And (hall not he render to every Man according to his Works ? Jer.i7.Io. And God himfelf teflifies, I the Lord