Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon Eternal Judgment. 63 Lord fearcb the Heart, even to give to everyMan according to his Works. For this Reafon he is faid to keep a Regiffer of Mens Sins. Thus he (peaks of the impure Idolatries of the Jews ; Behold, it is written before me, to fignify his exaa and actual knowledg, r will not keep ßlence, but will recompenfe, even re- compenfe into their Bofoms. Andat Dayof Judgment he will de- clare his Knowledg of their Sins before all, and the mofl fecret fball be made evident, as ifwrit- ten in their Foreheads in the moRR plain and legible Chara- ¿ers. And all the goodnefs of the Saints (hall then be revealed by the Judg. Their greatefl Excel- cellencies are invifible to the Eyes of Men : the fantity of their Aims and Affeaions, which gives Life and Value to all the Aids Ifa.65.66 of * O fi nobis ad nimam boni virì liceret in- fpicere, quatrz puichram fa- iem, quam fanftam,quam ex magnifico, placidoque ful-. gentem vide- remus ! Senec: -