upon Eternal judgment. 3. The Confcience of every .Man (hall then be open'd, and give an accutng or excufing te- flimony of all things : for rhefe Ram,z. t 5, As of Confcience in the pre- i 6s fent Life, have a final refpeCt to God's Tribunal And tho the Accounts are fo vaff, there fhall be an exat t agreement between theBooks of (i'od's Omnifcience andof Confcience in the Day of Judgment.Now indeed the Con ence of Man,tho never fo inquifi- uve and diligent in examining .and revifing his Ways, is unable to take a jufI account of his Sins. As one that would tell the firft appearing Stars in the Evening, before he can reckon them. others appear and confound his Memo- ry with their number : fo when Confcience is ferioally intent in reflleting upon it fell, before it L e can