ANNEIssiMINN 66 SEMONS can reckon up the Sins commit- ted againft one Command, in- numerable others appear. This made the Pfalmift, upon the Pur- vey of his Anions,, break forth in amazement and perplexity ; Mine Iniquities are more than the Pffl;400 "I 2. Hairs upon my Head, therefore my Heart fails me. But it will be one of the Miracles of that Day, to enlarge the viewofConfcience to all their Sins. And O the formi dable fpeaacle,whenCon[cience enlightned by a Beam fromHea- ven, [hall prefent to a Sinner in one view the fins of his whole Life ! NowConfcience is a No- tary in every Man's Bofom ; and tho 'tis not always vocal, yet writes down their A&ions. The 'cr r 7. I. Sin of Judah is written with a Pen of Iron, and with a point of a Dia- mond'tis graven upon the Tables of the Heart. But then it [hall be corn