Bates - BT825 B37 1683

68 SEA,MONS Rev. Zaeb:3. x, 273 that knows all things, wants in- formation, but for the publick conviáion of the Wicked. . Satan will then bring a bloody Charge againft ,them. Such is his Malignity, that he is a Com- plainer of God to Man, and by calumniating the Bleífed Crea- tor, feduc'd our firfI Parents ; and he is the Acculer of Men to God. He is {tiled the Acciefer of the fí3re- tbren before Godday andnight. Some- times falfly,as when he taxed Job, that his Piety was mercenary; and often truly to provoke the Divine Dilpleafure.but thohis Charge be- jufi againf} them as Sinners, yet as Penitent Sinners they are ab- folved by the Judg upon the Throne of Grace. This we have reprefented to the Pro- phet Zechary, Jofhua the High Priefi, a Type of the Church, 'landing before the /bagel of the Lord, and