Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon Eternal judgment. and Satan Banding 1t his right hand to accule him ; for that was the place of Accufers. But Chriff the Bleffed Reconciler interpo- fed. And the Lord Paid to Satan, the Lord rebuke thee, O `\ atan, even the Lord that bath chofen Jerulalenu rebuke thee. But he will princi- pally a& the part of an Acculer at the Lait Judgment. This is intimated in that fearful impre- cation, Let Satan Band at his right p hand ; When be is fudged,. let him be condemned. He is nowan active watchful Spirit, whole Diligence is equal to his Malice, and by glittering Snares , or violent Temptations , draws Men to fin. But then he will be their molt bitter Acculer, not from zeal of Mice, but pure Malig- nity. Then he will aggravate their Crimes by the mo[f killing Circumiances ; tho in, accusing E e 3 the 109.6y-1