70 Prov.7.1 8. Ifa.56., /1> S Eq.MONS themhe endites binnfelf, their fins being usually done by his follici- tations. And the Wicked then-if-elves will accuÇe one another. In this World Fellowfinners ufually conceal one anothers Wicked- nets, reftrain'd by their own ob- noxioufners. But then all that have been jointly eng,igeci in the Ommillion of Sin, will im- peach each other. The volup- tuous Sinners that have excited one another to Lull or Luxury come let us take our fill of Love till the Morning: Come, I will fetch' Wine, and we will fill our felves with ftrong Drink, for to morrow [hall be co to day, and much more abun- dant: All the Charming Corrpanions and Affociates will with fiercenefs charge one another. And the malicious cruel Sinners that fay, come let gs lay wait fen