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upon Eternal' tudgment. 7 Blood, let us fwallou'there up quick the Grave, will then li i.e en- raged Furies fly upon one ano- ther. In all Sins of Combina- tion , the inferior Infaniments will accule their Dire ors for their pernicious Coun[el, and the Directors will accule the Infiru- ments for their wicked Compli- ance. And all the Holy Servants of God, who by their Inftrutions, Counfels, Admonitions, Exam- ples have endeavoured to make the World better ; elpecially thole who by their place and Relation were more concerned, and more zealoufly & compaffìo- natelyurged and perfwaded thole under their Care to reform their Lives, and lave their Souls, will give a heavy Tef}irnony againfat them. Indeed the very pretence of the Saints will upbraid the E e 4 Wicked