Hab.2: Y I. 1.?"4- 5 ., 3 S E(IN10NS Wicked , for their refilling all the warming, melting Intreaties, all the grave and ferions proofs, all the tender earneft Ex-. poflulations, that were ineffe- c`tual by the hardnefs of their Hearts. Briefly, the Scripture attributes to the Signs and Circumftances of Mens fins, a vocal Evidence againf them. i hus the Pro- phet speaking of the Houlebuilt by Rapine and Extortion, The Stones of the Wall cry,and the seams anjwer them ; and with concurrent teftimony accuse the unrighteous - Builder. And St. James declares, That the Wages of the Hireling kept back by fraud,cry againfi theOpprejfor. And the ruff o f gold andSilver trea- lured up,i-s a Witnefs againfl the Cone-, 'tow! And this by the recognition l Confcience will be a Memo- rial againa them hereafter. Tp