Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon Eternal Judgment. r 3 To what the Scripture (peaks of this kinde of Evidence of .Mens fns I (hall add a useful Re- pref.nta:ma tram "d by a Hea- then, to fignify that wickednefs, how íecretly foever committed, íhall be brought to light in Judg- ment. He tells us, that the Soul of a very guilty Wretch, was af- ter Death arraigned before one of the revere Judges below. And at his Tryal, becaufe his atroci- ous Crimes were done in fecret, he flood upon his defence, deny° ingall. ri he Judg commanded his Lamp to be produc'd, that was an Eye Witne[s of his Wick- ednefs. The Lamp appear'd, and being demanded what it knew ofhim, anfwered with a íïgh, Would I had been confci- pus of nothing, , for even now the remembrance of his Villa-- pies makes me tremble. I with my A