Bates - BT825 B37 1683

74 S E R,M0NS 01 my Light had been extinguifh'd, that theOil that maintained, had quench'd it. But I burnt with . difdain, and caft about force Sparks to fire his impure Bed, and was grieved that my little Flame was io weak as not to confume it. I faid within my Pelf, If the Sun faw there Villanies, it would be eclips'd, and leave the World in Darknels. But I now perceive why I was conRRrain'd to give Light to him, that being a fecret Spy of his Uncleannels, his Thefts and Cruelties, 1 might reveal them. But we that are enlightned by Faith, and know ll Ipfe timen_ dus ell in pub that God is Omniprefent, and iieo, iyfe in that what-ever Sin is done, tho' ecreto. Lu- çerna arde' ? in the deepefl and darkef recefs, ridt te. Lu- cerna extinga is n,anifeft to him, have no ell ? videt te. , In cubile in- need of Lucian's Lamp to make tras ? videt te. in corde verfi- our Judg to be feared by us. ris > videt te. the impartiality of the fpÇam tale. seta