Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon Eternal judgment. 77 without the tribute of Obedience, will be rejefled by him. ,74any'hallfay at Mar. ß.z2_ the Day of judgment, Lord, Lord, we have propaefied in thy Name, and done many wonderous works. Then will the Judg fay, Ikuow)ou not : Depart from oneye workers ofIniquity. No degrees ofCivil Greatne is will be ofany moment and advantage in that day. St. John teflifies, Ifaw the Dead,frnall andgreat, Eland be- fore God, in an equal Line, to re- ceive their Trial. Kings íhall thenbe develled of their Imperial Titles, of their Cràwns and Scep- ters, and their Robesof State, and only be accompanied with their Works. Of this we have an un- doubted Proof, in that they are no more exempted from the common Law ofdying than the meaneff Slave. Death, that rug- ged Officer arrefts them without Ceremony, and summons them ro