78 SE.rkMONS Col.3 , lafl. C01.3.1 I, to appear before that Tribunal. The Royal Purple could not protet Herod from being devou-. red by Worms. The ApoRRle speaks indefinitely in the fore- cited place ; He that does .wronn, fball receive for the wrong he has done ; and there is no reJpea ofPer- Ions. No circumflantial Acci- dents can derive true worth, or truly debate Perlons, but inhe- rent Qualities, and the Anions that flow from them : and ac- cordingly, the High and Holy god will accept or dif pprov: them. W hat St. Paul obièrves of the faxing Grace of the Golpel being indifferently offer'd to all, is ap- plicable in this cafe. He tells us, "'here is neither Greek nor /ew,Bbar- barian nor Scythian, Bond nor Free, that are prefer'd or excluded up- on a Carnal account, but that all may equally partake of Spi- ritual