Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon Eternal Judgment. 79 ritual Bleßings. Thus the dif- ference of Nations will be no ..Priviledg or Prejudice to any in the Day of Judgment. The molt rude and contemptible fh::ll have al fair and equal a Trial, as the moil polite and civiliz'd. The ignorant Barbarians, as the Lear- ned Grecians, that fo much boa- fled of their vain Excellencies above them. The Negroes in Africa, as the People of Europe : for they have the lame Relation toGod their Maker, and as tru- ly bear the impreílion of God !tamped upon the Humane Na- ture in the Creation, and there- fore common to the whole fpe- cies of Mankind : An Image may be falhion'd in Ebony, as well as in Ivory. Briefly, all Men are equally fubjea to his Laws, and fluidbe equally accountable for their Moons. The q?icb and the