Bates - BT825 B37 1683

SEMONS the Poor _hall then n,.eet together, without dflinci :on, before Gird the !Maker and _udg of them all, 2. There [hall be a di(Iinaion of Caufes, and every Man be judged according to his Works, the tenor of good Works, and the delert of bad. The Apoille a[- Gat. 6. 7, 8. fures us, That what foever a Mail Tows, that _hall he reap : He that lowed, to the 1-l4li, Tall of the i- lefh reap Corruption: But he that foweth to the Spirit, shall of the Spirit reap Life everlafling. The Harveíf [hall be according to the Seed, both in kind andmeafure. Rom. 2.7. t. Thole who by patient continu- ance in welldoing, leek for Glory, and Honour, and Imortality, [hall Rom.6.14. obtain eternal Life. Ildeed, eter- nal Life is the Gift of infinite bounty, yude 21. nay of pure Mercy, and Mercy excludes Merit. ' r is laid of the BlelledMartyrs, who contended for