upon Eternal 7udçment. for the Truth and Purity of the Gofpel to the Death, that their Rev.7. r4. ..Wobes were wafh d white in the Blood of the Lamb, not in their own Blood ? Their right to Heaven was from the application of his Merits to them. But the Re ward is difpens'd from God ac- cording to the Evangelical Law not only as a Magnilricent Prince, but as a P igI,teou's judge. All thofe whom the Golpel or- dains to Eternal Life, [hall in- fallibly obtain it, and none that the Got-pet excludes. hole who were fenhble of their Sins, and cordially forlaking them, did humbly and entirely depend upon theGrace of God, through the BleiredReconciler and Savi- our, [hall be juflified and glori- fied. Then the Judg will dif cern between unfeigned Faith and vain Prefumption , and F f will