4. 77 8, SERMONS will juPcify the Faith of the Saints by the genuine Fruits of it, the Godline I;, Righteoufne f and.. Sobriety of their Lives, and a vi- ¿torious perfeverance in their Duty, notwithflanding all the pleating Temptations or Tor- tures to withdraw them frorxä it. Thus the Apofile expreffes his humble confidence; 1have fought the good Fig. ht, I have iiniJb'd my Courfe, henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of f l ,ighteoufzefs, which god the ighteous Judg will give me at that day : and not only to me, but to all that love his appear- ance. We read in the Defcripti- on of the Lail Judgment, That the 'Book of Life was opened : the Names of ail that were written in Heaven, {hall then be declared, that it may appear they are )(coed by Grace. For it was his mot free pleafure to felet flame from the common