Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon Eternal 'judgment. common Mais of Perdition,who were naturally as guilty and cor- rupted as others, and to prede.. ifinate them to Eternal Glory, and efedual perfevering Grace to prepare them for it. 1he Saints are created in Chrifi fetus un- to good Works. which God bath be- fore ordained, that they timid walk in them, And the NewCreation is as undeferved and entire an Ef- few of God's Love as the fig i' was. But 'tis Cid, That every Man was judged according to his Works. For Eternal Eledion does not entitle a Perfon imme- diately to Heaven, but according to the order efháblifñ'd in the Go- fpel. Thus the King at the IA lite c 5 Day fpeaks to the Elegy ; Cone, ye 3e°f]'d. of any Father, ink ,rit the ,Ingdom, prepared for you before the foundation of the World : for 1 was bungry, andye fed me .; naked, andye clothed me. F f 2, And 341 35.