Bates - BT825 B37 1683

s4. SERMONS * Plus a- mant illud Regnurn in quo non ti- ment babe- re confor- tes. Civit.Dei. And according as the Saints have excell'd in Fidelity andZeal in God's Service, they shall be..- rewarded with a more excellent Glory. The Stars of Paradìfe are of a different brightnefs and greatnefs, as the Stars of the Firmament. indeed all are per- fetly happy, without * jealou- fie, that any is equal or fuperior to them in that Kingdom. But God will crown his own Graces as the Saints have improved them. Our Saviour valued the Widows two Mites, as tranf- cending all the magnificent Gifts of others ; becaufe of the de- grees of Love in the giver. There was a richer Mine of affeaion in her Heart, Gold of a more no- ble Vein, more pure and preci- ous than all their Riches. This was of greater price in God's ac- count, who weighs the Spirits in his