upon Eternal Judgment. his Ballance. God will accept and reward according to what a Man has, ..and not according to what he hay not. He that improves but two Ta- lents with his beft skill and dili- gence, (hall have a greater Re- ward than another that had ten Talents, and was remits and leis careful to employ them for his lvlaf+er's profit. The Rule will be exaUly obferved, .fie that Tows bountifully, ¡hall reap bountifully ; and he that fows flaringly, ¡hall reap daringly. And if God will be thus im- partial in rewarding the Saints, much more in punning the Wicked. For the remuneration of our Duty is the effet of his moll free Favour ; but the re- compences of Sin are due, and decreed by Juf+ice, in Number, Weight, and Meafure. The fe- verityof the fence will be in pro.. F f 3 portions,