Bates - BT825 B37 1683

86. Luke 12. '471 48. SERMONS portion, as Mens Sins have been more numerous and heinous. Al- tho' all the Damned mall be e-e. qually miferable in difpair, all broken on an endless Wheel, yet the degrees of their Torment are different. Sins of Ignorance are extenuated in comparifon of Re- bellious Sins againfl knowledge, Ti he rirlI are like a Servant's dalE- ing against his Ma&er in the dark; the other like the infolent í}ril<ing of him in the light : And as they incur greater Guilt, will expcfe to greatèr Puniíhment. Accord- ingl our Saviour preditts, that . tß,e Ser ' nt awl;ich knew his Lord's I'll, and prepared not birrlel f, neither did according to his Will, ¡hall be bea- ten with many pipes. But be that knew not, and did commit things wor- thy o. ffiripes,Jhall be beaten with fein fi, rpes. Unadive Knowledge is worfe than Igt' orante. For this realon