upon Eternal Judgment. realon the care of Heathens wil be more tolerable than ofthe Jews : for tho' fore natural Principles were Rrong and quick in their minds, that made them fenfible of their duty anddanger, yet they were not fo clear and p;rfea as the Law delivered by oJes. Thofe Sins that were infirmities in a Pagan, were prefumptuous in aJew. And the cafe- of theJews will be more tolerable than of dilobedient Chrians, who enjoy the Gofpel lets charged with Ce- remonies, and more abundant in ..Grace than the Mofaical Difpen- fation. Thofe that have fet be- foie them the Life of Chrif1, the Model of all Perfeaion, that are excited by fuch lowd Calls to flee from the Wrath to corne, and yet are deaf and regardlefs to the Com- mands, nay to the melting Invi- tations and precious Proriles of F f 4 the