Bates - BT825 B37 1683

8 8 S E r.kM0 NS the Gofpel, fhall have a. more in tolerableJudgment than the mo guiltySìnners,even the Sodomites,. and Sidonians that were firangers to it. The precious Bloodof the Son of God delpìfed, induces a Crimfon Guilt. And as Sins are committed with pride and plea- fure, with eager appetite And ob- ftinacy,the revenge ofJuf}ice will be more heavy upon Perrons. More particularly,Sins ofcon- fequence , whereby others are drawn to Sin, will heighten the Guilt, and the retribution ofJu- f}ice will be to everyMan accord- - ing to bts ways, and according to the .fer. T7. r o. fruit ofhis jots. 'This will r rinc pally concern Superiours in eminency cf place, vA hole, dignity has always a .con- comitant proportion of Duty. Their vicious Adios are Exam- ples, and their Lxaianples more power