upon Eternal Judgment. 89 powerful Rules than their Laws, and give countenance to others to fin licentioufly. They fin with an high Hand and involve the ruine of innumerable perrons that depend upon them. As the Dragon in the Wevelation, whole fall from Heaven drew a train of leffer Stars with him. And all in- feriour Magifhrates, who by per- fonal commiffìon, or partial con- nivance, encourage and harden others in Sin, and by their power difcountenance ferions Religion, and obfIruft the progrefs of it, heap up Damnation to them - fel ves. And the Miniflers of theWord, who are obliged to watch for the Souls ofMen; and fhould, like the Heavens, by their light, influence, and motion, their Dottrine and Lives, guide and quicken others in the ways of Holinefs,if by their nep- A