Bates - BT825 B37 1683

S E PMO N S neglect and wickednefs others are loft for ever, their Account will be molt heavy and undoing. . Of this number are thofe, who by their unholy Converfatiori weaken the Authority and ]Effica- cy of the Word, and more fuc- cefsfully perfwade Men to do Evil, than by their Preaching to dowell : for we are apt to take deeper impreilion through the eye than through the ear, and to fol- low the Phyfician's Pratice ra- ther than his Counfel. Thefe pe- ri/h not alone in their Iniquity. And fuch who are unfaithful Difpen- fers of the Treafures of their Lord, and by loofe Do6trines corrupt the Minds of Men, to fancy a Mercy in God derogato- ry to his Holinefs, that altho they live indulgently in Sin, they may obtain an eafy Pardon and Hap- pinefs at ha. And fuch who em- ploy