upon Eternal Judgment. ploy their high Conimiffion for low and bale ends : Thole who _infcead of preaching j Chi*, emd him crucified, the pure and la- ving Truths , derived from the Fountain of the Gofpel, entertain their hearers with flatly Conceits, and fludied Vanities, to give*a re- life to Curiofity, and to have-the applaule of Fools, and obfcure the native Majefly of the Word, enervate its force, and render it powerlels to Confcienceo And thole who íp-end their zeal in things of no moment to Sal- vation)and let fly bitter Inveriives againft thole that Biffent from them in unconcerning ..ratters, by which they hardenArheif+ical Scorners invilifying the Office of the Minif+ry as a Carnal lnlvention, fer up and ufed for Secular ends ; and induce others to place Reli- gion in Formalities and flight co- lours