Bates - BT825 B37 1683

AN S E M 0 S lours of it, as if Conformity to needlefs Rites would exclude the defects offubflantial Holinefs. 'Tis obferv'd in the Chaldee- Paraphrafe,whenGodwas inqui- ring ofCain concerning Abel, that he charges him, The voice of thy Brother's Bloods cries unto me. As if Cain were a Murderer not of a EngleMan only, but ofa nume- rous Race that might have de- fcended from his Brother. Thus a wicked Miniírer will be charg'd not only for murdering himfelf, but as many precious Souls as might have been converted and , faved, if he had faithfully perm formed his Duty. And Parents that íhould inffil the Principles of Godlinefs into their Children in their early age, and feafon their minds with the knowledge of the Divine Laws, to regulate their Lives, and make therm