upon Eternal Judgment. them fenfible of their Obligati- ons to obey them, that fhould re- .commend Religion to their Af fetions by an holy and heavenly Converfation, if by the negle&i of their Duty their Children are expofed as a prey to the Temp- ter, and ruin'd for ever, it will enhance their laft Reckoning, and encreafe the fcore of their Guilts beyond expreffìon. And Mailers ofFamilies, and all others that have authority and advantage to preferve or reform from evil thofe that are commit- ted to their Care, and to inílrut and command them to do what is pleafing to God and profitable to their Souls, will be fadly ac- countable for thofe that perifh by their neglect. In fhort, v, e fee by common experience , that Company and mutual Confent is a ufual Motive to 93