94 SE .UV10NS Luke 16.28 II .Non Drat profratrum falute qua non tangitur reprobiis, fed profe ne ip- [iva tormenta ex confortio f ^atrum au- geantur. Brugen. toSin ; and many perlons that a- lone would with abhorrence re- jed lome Temptations, yet are. lociably finful. Now all thole who by excitation or example, leadothers to deflru&ion, as they are Ilrfc in Sin, will be chief in the Puniíhment. We reade in the Parable of the rich Voluptu- ary, that being in Hell, hedelired a M ffenger might be difpatch'd from the Dead to w-4n1 his Bre- thren, left they fllould come to that place of Torment. Is there fuch Charity in Hell to the Souls ofothers ? 1\ No, that Furnace al- ' ways burns with its proper flames, there is not a Iparkof that Divine Fire there. But remembringhow guilty he had been of their Sins, feared that his Torments would be encreafed by their coming thi- ther. Society in endlefs Sorrows does not divide but reflect them. Now