Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon Eternal judgment. Now if Damnation for Sin be fuch a Mifery as is expreíf in the .Scripture by the molt violent Fi- gures and words of the heaviet fignification ; if all the poilible Tortures fuffered here are bu a Lenitive to the preparations of Wrath in Hell , how m.iferable shall thole be, who, as if a fingle Damnation were a light matter, do not only commit Sin in their own perlons, but are in combi- nation withSatan to corrupt and dearoy others, and multiply the fentences of Damnation againft a themfelves ? TheCe treafnre up Wrath aaainft the day of Wrath. Briefly, the whole Procefs of that Day, the Arraignment and Sentence are Co ordered, as to clear the Judge , and confound the Guilty. will bejuftified in his Sentence, and overcome when be judgeth. I 95 e