S E M O N S I [hall now come to apply this great Do&rine. i . Let us fromwhat has been difcours'dof Judgment to come, be excited to confirmour Faith in this great and ufeful Doarine ; and by ferious and frequent thoughts toapply it to our (elves. Some within the Church haveon- ly a fuperficial belief of this, as a point of the Religion where- in they were educated, but carnal Afteaions, Fear, Hope,Love, and Defire, controul their Affent, as to its operationupon them. They believe in the general that God is.. the Judge and Rewarder of our Ations, and in the abfence of temptation refolve to obey him but when a ífrong Tryal comes from Tome temporal Good or E- vil that is prefent, their Faith is negligent, and unadive to keep them from Sin. Now to make our