Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon Eternal judgment. 97 our Faith powerful, we muff, Firfi, confirm it by convincing Arguments, that it may be an undoubted Affurance, a certain Light, directive and perfwafive in the courte of our Lives. Some Dohrines of Religion, that are of an incornprehenfible nature, and fhould be received with filent ad- oration for the Authority of the Revealer, are obflinately contra- di ted by force, upon a vain pre- tence that nothing is to be belie- ved that will not endure the rigo- rous inquifition of Reafon, and - be comprehended by our narrow Minds : but Reafon,tho darkned, fees theneceflity of a future Judg- ment. Nature and Scripture te- ftify there is a God, and that he has a Right, and Power, and Will to diffribute the rewards of Ver- tue, and the penalties of Vice to his Subjects. To deny this, is G g di-