Bates - BT825 B37 1683

98 SE R MONS directly againff the implanted Notion of the Deity in the heart. There is a real diflrencebetween. Moral Good and Evil, not de- pending upon Opinion, but ari- fing from the immutable nature of things, and the eternal Law of God. Otherwife, confidered in it Leif, it were no more faulty to murder a Parent, than to kill a Fly; nor to rob afravellor,than to chafe a Deer. But the Confci- enceof the coil proiligate wretch wouli flartle at filch an Alïerti- on. The dilpofitioi and admi- rable order of the World in its' various parts, and the viciffitude of S.te/aíons, declare to the obier- ing Mind, Lin that a moil wile,good, and powerful God governs and preferves all things by his vigo- rous Influence. And can it be that the Divine Providence, fovifblur wife and -good in regulating the courte