Bates - BT825 B37 1683

Tp031 Eternal ludgm°f'r o / ;. courfe of Nature, íhould be de- feetive towards Man, the From . noble part of the World ? And can it be extended to humane af- fairs, ifc:ere,be no other than thé prefent Efate,' wherein the Righte- ous are ailieled, and the Wicked profper ? where Sins of the deep- eft Rain and the lowdeft cry are unpunilh'd ; and the fublime and truly heroick Vercues are unre- warded ? nay,where Vice receives the natural reward of Vercue, Honour and Felicity, and Vertue the jufR wages of Vice, Dilgrace '' and Sufferings. 'Tie neceffiry therefore that there be a future Rate, and a righteous di%ribution of rewards, according to thegood end evil of Men's Ae .ions here. ï he Heathens di(guiied this terrible Truth under the ieions of the Infernal Judges, :/linos, and badannanthui,and Facts. And the G g 2, Furies