Bates - BT825 B37 1683

too SFMO1iIS, Furies and Vultures , and fiery Lake, which they thought tor- Timonium mented the Wicked in the next . ¡mime Hato- World, difcover what apprehen- raliter Chri- fions they had of the defert of fhana.:Tert. Sin, and the punishment that cera tainly attended it. The Guilty would fain be freed from the ter- rours of it, and ftrangle Confci- ence, that is bound over to give Tef1imony in the Day of Judg- ment, that they may fin without fcruples. But tho Fear be a trou- blefom and involuntary Paffion, theycannot totally extinguish the internal fente and prefages of fu- ' tare Judgment; but as the moti- ons ofCourage came uponSamp- Jon at times; íoConfcience awa- kened by sharp Affiaions , by hidden Dangers, and the approa- ches of Death, makes a fad de- duaion of pafs Sins, and fore- ca(ss cruel things. It cites the ®ñenm