Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon Eternal judgment. t o t Offender before the enlightened Tribunal of Heaven , lcourges .with remorfe , and makes him feel even here the d:rckes ofHell. Tho' the Sin be fecret, and the guilty Perlonpowerful,not with- in ,thecognizance or reachof hu- mane Juilice, yet Confcience has a Rack within, and caufes pain and anxiety, by fearful expectati- ons of Judgment to come. And Divine Revelation is moil exprefs in declaring dis great Truth. The Light of Faith is more clear and certain from the ...infallible Word ofGod, than the Light of Reafon. Before the Flood, Enoch in the early Age of theWorld foretold it ; 'Behold, the Jiide I4 1 Lord comet!) with ten thoufaqd of his Saints, to execute judgment upon all. Solomon under the Law repeats this Doctrine , that every fecret Ecclff 12, thiOr, pall be brought .into Judgment, Gg tthed