to 2, SERMON S whether good or evil. And God himfcif 4peaks in the fublimeit flile of Majet'ty, and [-wears by.. himfelf, for our firmer belief, A's I live, faith the Lord,every knee[-hall how to pie, and every Tongue corifcfi to God, the glory of his Jutlice. From whence the Apoi+le infers, fò teen every one of to hall give an account to God for himfeif. In the Gofpel we have diftin&ly deicri- bed the Perlonof the judge, the glorious Attendants of his Corn- ing, and the manner of his pro- ceedings in that Day. Now the many Predi&ions in Scripture fo vifibly accomplifli'd in the Per- fon of iefìis Chrif+, and by him,. give in l;ible affurance, that all his Promiies and Threatnings are equally certain, and than be ful- filled. As lure as our Saviour is eome in his humble [late, and has accomplitgddlle Prophecies ;of his I a. 1.5. 23< Rom. I 40 al0, I I. Mat. 13. 42, 43. &'23. .)cz 31. vena ex- r,,.,bptit mks Y:PLLGf qLâcC ìYolrl';t G de lido die 110s- ? Aug.