upon Eternal fua ;rent. his Sufferings, he will come in his Glory to judg the World. 2. hat the belief of eternal Judgment may be powerful in our hearts and lives, it mutt be actuated by frequent and ferions thoughts. Faith gives life and efficacy to our notions of eternal things, and Confideration makes our Faith ea-canal. As the natu- ral Life is prelerved by the ai- vity of the viral Principles, the Circulation of the Blood , the drawing of the Breath, the mo:i- onof the tulle ; fo the Ipiritual .. Life is maintained by the exerci r e ofGrace. The carnal A Ctions dare not appear before Reaf;n and Confcience, when awakened by the lerious believing Confide, ration ofeternal Judgment. The Lvangelifls relate, that when our Saviour was afleep in the Ship, a fudden Tempeft arofe that was G Bile* io3