Bates - BT825 B37 1683

SE ..Af0 S likely. to over-fet it in the Sea : but awakened by the cry of his Difciples, Lord, fare us, weperil/2 ;.. he prefently rebuked the Wind, and a Calm enfued. Thus whilf1 the habit ofFaith is afleep in the Soul, there will be great danger from the concurrent violence of Tem- ptations and Corruptions ; but when 'tis awakened by lively and powerful thoughts, it does Mira- cles in fubduing the ftrongeft Lulls. 'Tis monfirous and be- yond all belief, did not fenfible experience make it evident, that notwithaanding the minds of Men are convinc'd ofthe certain- ty of the Divine Judgment, and the RecOmpenres that immediat- , ly follow, yet their Wills remain unconverted, and their Affeetións cold andrunaaive in their prepa- rations for it : That filch num- , bers whohave fo much Chriftia- nity